a) To develop short, medium, long term policies related to protection and sustainable use of water resources that are used or planned to use for drinking and domestic purposes and to follow up the implementation of these policies and the legislation,
b) To prepare and update the drinking water basin protection plans, to ensure the coordination of relevant institutions and to follow up the implementation of these plans,
c) To issue opinions on the basin protection regulations of metropolitan municipalities, to take necessary actions for approval and to follow up the implementation of these ragulations,
d) To develop the quality and quantity protection zones and protection programmes for spring water and naturel mineral-rich water and to follow up the implementation of these programmes,
e) To carry out the coordination works related to drinking water basin protection plan studies,
f) On matters falling under the scope of the Working Group, to follow and report national and international studies; prepare legislation; prepare or ensure been prepared the guidance documents on required issues, and carry out or ensure been carried out training studies,
g) To carry out other duties assigned by the Head of Department.